Jesus Christ (Cyrillic Letters)

Our Lord, God & Savior

€88,00 EUR

Silk Screen Technique with Matte Gold Leaves Background

In stock
SKU: ER-GLS-JC-017-019-HGP

This icon is made of wood and the background is handcrafted with Gold Leaves. The theme is reproduced directly on the canvas, using high end equipment, according to Silk Screen Technique. It is delivered properly and securely packaged. If this is a Special Gift, you can optionally upgrade to a Luxury Icon Case by selecting Premium Gift Wrap at the Cart page. Every icon is crafted after your order and you will receive the courier tracking number once it is ready to ship.

The story behind this Icon

Feast Day is on Easter Sunday

Crafting & Delivery

Crafting & Preparation period of this artwork is 4-9 days.

We deliver worldwide with FedEx & DHL Express, with Standard shipping (8-10 business days) and Express shipping (1-3 business days).

There is a possibility your country's Customs to need some extra time (usually 1-2 days), for the package clearance.

Size Chart
Luxury Case (included with each icon)

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Sarah Schmidt (Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark)

Beautiful Picture. In a fine box so you Can travel with it. Lovely.

Michael S (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)
Tu Rex glóriæ, Christe. Tu Patris sempitérnus es Fílius.

Stunning icon! Amazing craftmanship. Great attention to detail. May this icon bring many blessings to our home! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, We give you thanks for your great glory. Lord God, heavenly King. O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us!

Reilly (Ashburn, Virginia, United States)
This icon exceeded all expectation.

This icon exceeded all expectation.

Halle (Ashburn, Virginia, United States)
I don't know where to start, the quality i...

I don't know where to start, the quality is that of a handwritten icon, well priced. The quality is exceptional, though it is silkscreen, you can see the individual brush strokes. The box it came in, is beautiful and the shipping was incredibly fast. Alex also included a small magnet icon as well. Слава богу, спаси н сохранить.

Javon (Ashburn, Virginia, United States)
Exquisite work of art! I couldn't be more...

Exquisite work of art! I couldn't be more pleased!

Silk Screen Icons

Find below the procedure of crafting our Silk Screen Icons on Natural Recessed Wood and a Gold Leaf background.

Online Shop Byzantine Greek Orthodox Icons

Silk Screen Technique

These icons are reproduced according to the Traditional Silk Screen Technique.

Online Shop Byzantine Greek Orthodox Icons
Online Shop Byzantine Greek Orthodox Icons

Gold Leaf on Natural Wood

Once the natural wood panel is cut to the desired dimensions, our crafters carefully apply the Gold Leaves into the prepared surface.

A mounting point and a stand are placed at the back of the icon, along with the Certificate of Authenticity and Quality. Each of our icons bears the studio's unique title and logo.

Online Shop Byzantine Greek Orthodox Icons
Online Shop Byzantine Greek Orthodox Icons

Theme application & final details

Once the gold leaves are applied, the Silk Screen technique is implemented. The theme is directly applied on the prepared surface and our crafters finish the artwork by painting a delicate red border.

The icon goes through quality inspection and then is placed into a case. Finally it is carefully wrapped into our Protection Packaging and is ready to ship! The whole crafting and preparation procedure takes about 4-9 business days from the moment you place your order.

Online Shop Byzantine Greek Orthodox Icons
Online Shop Byzantine Greek Orthodox Icons

Luxury Case & Express Delivery (optional)

We deliver our icons Worldwide. Optionally you can upgrade your shipping to Express for a faster delivery (DHL and FedEx Express). Also at the Cart page you can select Premium Gift Wrapping and upgrade to a Luxury Icon Case.

The Perfect Christian Gift!

Explore our collections and select Premium Byzantine Icons, for yourself and your loved ones. Crafted with love in Greece and delivered Gift Ready all over the World!

Jésus Christ, Jesucristo, Gesù Cristo, Jesus Christus, Iisus Hristos, Jezus Chrystus, Иисус Христос, Исус Христос, Исус Христ, Ιησούς Χριστός, المسيح عيسى, Հիսուս Քրիստոս, and 耶稣基督

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Order now your icon of Jesus Christ (Cyrillic Letters)


Shipped into 4-9

Gift Ready & Carefully Packed

Secure & Fast Delivery with FedEx & DHL